ethan chan

other stuff

all work:

2024  love minus lingo
            in honor of eric cartman

            lofano / marino
            the bob dylan project
            from rags to riches...
            get yourself a lawyer...
            hungry man...
            johanna’s not here
            (thomas series)
            pure evil

2023  meanwhile...
            white light / white heat
            liquid ecstasy...
            for wile e.
            leashed steam...
            family dinner
            love letters
            wild, west
            selections from the...

2022  china, revisited
            steer / madonna
            hail to the king
            tea for masochists

2021   fighting the loneliness
            american pie
            not your country
2020  the saint, the villain...
            stolen bike                   
            just like a woman

2019   she was trying...
            why don’t you just...
            fat man & little boy
            american reformation
            made in china
            19 transactions
            sign language

Love Minus Lingo (Acyrology), 2024
(Performed with Te Palandjian)


As a foray into language and the weight it holds in human connection, I attempted to have a serious conversation without the use of my words to see how much my mannerisms, hand motions and eyes could communicate to someone else. 

I told my friend Te that I wanted to have a serious conversation, then proceeded to duct tape my mouth for the duration of our talk. We conversed for about 10 minutes as I confessed my grapple with depression and suicidal thoughts over the last few years of my life without her able to understand a word. She attempted to hold the conversation & understand what I was saying, and responded in statements either completely unrelated to the conversation, or slightly unaligned with the details of my story. The video holds moments of both extreme misunderstanding, and surprising connection.